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Five Keys To Critical Thinking

By Ng’ong’a

The first time I heard the term ‘critical thinking’ I thought it must be outside my reach. I thought it was something that happened to those other people but not me.

Then I decided to learn more about it and before I could turn the next page, I got my aha! moment. The term referred to things I have been doing before, in my everyday interactions and the process of decision-making. It was not a new concept to me. I just did not know that it had a name. Now, that I am aware and I thought in the spirit of sharing is caring, why not simplify what I have found out to assist you in unlocking this ability? It might not be natural to you but you have room to learn, you need not ask permission to practice critical thinking. It is an exercise and anybody can put in the work to master it.

Here are 5 Keys to Critical Thinking. This is not a rule book on the subject neither a single sling-for-all kind of solution to your critical thinking shortfalls. Take it as a guide.

1) Start by asking the right questions. It is the why question that triggers the right approach to critical thinking. A book by Simon Sinek deals extensively with the subject of why. In this book, the author highlights the importance of starting with why. Put a ‘why’ right in front of your questions and you will be amazed by how specific to your scenarios your answers will be.

2) We do not suffer from a lack of information in this age and time. We often lack the skills to sift through the terabytes of data to collect what is relevant, reliable, relatable, and proven. That is why you need to know how to gather the information you need from the sources available. Be careful because not every idea written or posted is factual. The why you started with will guide you through the maze.

3) After collecting your information, you will benefit more from it if you begin testing it out. Prove to yourself that what you learned can be replicated to achieve an expected result. Apply the information you have practically. It is of no use reading manuals on how to swim and never getting in the pool.

4) As you keep testing your theories, consider the long-term consequences of your present actions. Evaluate your current choice or decision, and the probable impact it will have a month or year from now on you and those who are influenced by your actions.

5) You are probably not the only one going through the phases of life. Look out for other viewpoints, you are allowed to explore available options. Check for alternatives, varied opinions, or uncommon perspectives. You could gather new insights just by putting yourself in ‘that other person’s shoes’. Practice intellectual humility. After this, it would be advisable to repeat steps  2,3 and 4 before you make a final decision.

This can applied not just during a decision-making process but also in discussions, debates, or engagements on social media.

It is the ability to merge creativity, reason, and logic to problem solve or in conflict resolution. From simple daily chores like picking which shade to apply on the exterior walls of your flower stall to complex things like deciding which programming language to learn in 2024.

Thank you!


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