

It never passes me that I am just as weak and vulnerable as any other person is. Yes, I sometimes consider my resilience like out of this world but I don’t stretch it. I am stubborn and I don’t give up easily. But I don’t stand on top of a mountain and roar down at life asking for the universe to ‘bring all you’ve got’ type of stuff. I remain humble because I know I am not even as strong as I want to think. My brain is self praising and it can cheat me into assuming that I am immune to the trappings of the system. Narcissistic tendencies are hard wired in the human psych but you can redeem yourself if you work at it.

I am saying this because my biggest enemy is my previous accomplishments. It can destroy me faster than even the present obstacles on my way to truth. It’s easy to think that just because I did this or that and it worked yesterday then if I do the same today it must work! Wait……! If you have made enough mistakes to learn from them you will bear me witness that life doesn’t work like this. There is not a one-solution-for-all-problems kind of thing. Not even a one-stop-shop for all my life questions. It will not necessarily work today just because it worked yesterday. It happens and it’s learnt the hard way when you hit rock bottom face first.

The sound of your falling ‘thud!’ will wake you up from your slumber so fast. It’s said that you don’t have to make all the mistakes on your own to learn from them. You can learn from the mistakes of others, those ahead of you or those beside you and save yourself the pain of learning that particular lesson the hard way. I don’t have to be hit by a bus to learn the importance of looking left and right before crossing a road. We have numerous examples (it’s unfortunate but a reality which I am sorry to highlight here) of folks like you and me who crossed without looking and they left us a lasting impression, a picture we might never forget anytime we are about to cross. Yeah!

Trust the wait! Especially in our present society where we have been conditioned to overwork ourselves. We work so much that when we have a day off from work we feel weird. And that’s weird too. Something must be wrong with us! Deliberately decide to slow your life down a little bit. Not that you arrive late at your job, no! Your to-do-list, yes, you can start with that. Put three tasks that you are sure you will accomplish on a particular day. It’s not about making a list of all you want to do…..in a day. That’s ludicrous. Be choosy!

Trust the wait. The universe has infinite possibilities for you. Don’t think you are missing out on life unless you aren’t on a program to improve yourself daily. It’s not so much about self improvement or self help. I prefer shadowing people you admire and look up to as mentors instead of buying self help courses online from people you don’t know if their words match their outcomes. Their is no guarantee that you will achieve all outcomes.

Trust the wait. That everything that you desire will come through you when you are ready. You attract what you want through the person you become. Remember each one has their lane. We have different time zones. So, don’t rush because you see others ahead of you. You never know what their lane looks like. Love yourself and trust the wait. It will turn out so fine for you like aged wine. Remember timing is crucial. You can prepare, train and wait in line for the moment but if you don’t work on your timing then you will miss out again. Timing requires patience, massive patience. Like a sniper who waits for the moment and strikes using one bullet to make an impact rather than like a short gun which has to be fired repeatedly until one lucky shot that will crush it is made!

Your time is not their time, wait!

I will not stop writing this……

Exercise patience my friend. You don’t want to live a life where you borrow money to buy stuff you can do without, to please people who don’t even care about you just to fit in. The middle class is a sham created by governments to soothe a section of the population into thinking they are better than the poor and just like the rich. Yet it is only a bill or a disease or an emergency or a job loss or terminal illness or economic turmoil or just a saving that’s between a middle class person and the people classified poor by the system. Wake up from the matrix! Wake up your mind! Cheers!

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