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This is dedicated to all of us beautiful people who are silently and in the background working on our crafts diligently without making a fuss about it. We shall gain traction soon.


Now, talking is easy and guess what everybody can talk. People talk and I am not into gossip here. I am taking about people who when you listen to their cheap talk and compare it to their actions or results they don’t match at all. Their actions are way cheaper than even their talks. What their result says about them is opposite what they tell you. Be careful around such people because they will, if you are not grounded in your own ethos well, make you doubt even your positive of life. You might question your ability but never do it based on another person’s opinion. The best way I know is to evaluate myself based on my version of yesterday. I strive to be better each day. I want to be a better person. Not to prove anything to anyone but because it’s the right thing for me and the world. You must be a good steward of the universe that has gifted you a brain and time to be here in this third dimensional plane.

So, people say a lot of shit but you’ve got to look at what they do. I am going to be real with you. Even us storytellers or writers, pick one I don’t mind, we should be writing or telling stories, especially if your writing is based on your life experiences, that reflect our true experiences. Why should I lie to you about my experiences yet I know The Internet never forgets? My lies can easily catch up with my reality quick and I will be exposed. Then no one will listen to my story whether it’s truth or fiction. I am a strong advocate for reputation over character. You can’t use character because my friend you are bound to make a mistake in life. You can’t live life fearing that you will make a mistake. Mistakes are good. Instead, focus on your reputation. Don’t do (character) stuff that will destroy your reputation. A name is so important, you just look at our human history and people remember you for what you represented and stood for in life more than your list of rights versus wrongs. It’s the critics who compile this list you shouldn’t even be concerned about it.

Alrighty, people we should ensure our words match our actions. Talking has never even built a road but action has. That’s why work always outshines planning!


I won’t stop writing………..

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