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In The Interest of Living

By Ng’ong’a

I have opted out of the bandwagon that was headed towards always playing the victim. That route continually made me feel inferior because of the stories I kept telling myself. What I tell others about me is completely different from what I tell myself. I choose to live this life like I am liable to myself, that I have to do all I can to be real, and even if, not when I do not turn out as I expected, I will take full responsibility for my actions.

A little bit of information about the story I tell myself. If you think you cannot, you will soon find out you cannot do anything. I began with a lot of possibilities, then adulting got half of it shaved off me. The remaining half is like a potted plant left in an abandoned house. If only I could water it, maybe it would grow a leaf again. If only I could get out of the trap called adult maybe I can be wild and free like a child’s imagination is. I can choose to let these be wishes or pick my toolbox and get to work. In the interest of living, I am picking the hard work route. It will pay, momentarily!

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