
Leave It To Wither

By Ng’ong’a

Something happened that made me think about pain in a different way. A friend was commemorating the just celebrated International Women’s day by sharing pictures of his late mother. He expressed himself openly in a few lines as caption to the photo. Then some contacts saw it and I heard someone ask me to stop him from posting about his mother. Yep!

First, I rarely decide what someone else does with their time leave alone their social media sites. But I felt the need to educate these contacts and here is a quick lesson for the rest of their lives. We all experience pain both the altering and the hurting kind of pain. We, however, process pain differently, specifically grief as it is in this case. Some people will hold onto the memories gathered tight and have something to keep reminding them of the people who are no longer with them on this plane. They can talk about them, call their name in conversations, laugh at their jokes, or keep carrying that same purse they bought last. On the other hand, we have people who never talk about their beloved departed humans. They would rather not even think about them. They do not want a reminder and will go on with life like they never knew these people. That does not mean they do not love them or want anything to do with them. We all process grief differently. If you see someone talk openly about how much they miss a departed beloved one do not rush to shut them down. Let the grief wither out on its own. You cannot hide a lamp under a table, it will still shine on. These emotions are not to be suppressed, sniffed out, or demonized. Let them be.

The best thing to do is if you have an issue with a person’s status on social media, just swipe left and watch the next chat story. You have no obligation to watch what you do not want. We have a tonne of options nowadays and you are free to pick what interests you, what feeds your soul, and stop being police on people’s posts.

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