
Know When To Turn It Off

By Ng’ong’a

You have been working hard all your life. You cannot remember the last time you took a day off. I understand you grew up in a less fortunate family. Your father died leaving your mother to take care of your family all by herself. She had no formal employment, so she had to work several jobs in people’s houses and stores to earn an income to put you and your sisters through school. She worked hard at it and it is what you picked from her. You can work your way into anything if it mattered to you.

Now you have your place. You worked hard and it has paid you well. You have an amazing job, a supportive wife, adorable children, and the future is brighter ahead of you. But you still work like you just started. You do not have time to experience your living. You have not taught yourself to calm down and take time to smell the coffee. You are too busy to watch that ladybug fly past you. You have not noticed your child’s foot has grown an inch since you last bought her a sandal for her birthday. You need to learn to turn off, the part of you that continuously wants to keep turning the wheel, the part of you that never thinks your life can be worth it without constantly hustling. Your happiness is not tied to your work ethic. You do not have to be working hard to make sense of it all. Turn it off a little and be alive for the moment. Feel your toes within your socks, chew your food a little longer, text back immediately, and do not put off going to the bathroom to take a lick, walk around that block of flats, wave back to those children playing in the yard behind the hardware store, tip the steward at the supermarket, be human and less working class.

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