
Deal With It

By Ng’ong’a

You have a sphere of influence where everything you can manage, I do not want to use the word control this early, exists. At least we all have a circumference and it does matter what you keep adding to your circle of influence. These are things, events, or scenarios you have the liberty to steer in a direction you so desire, want or conceive will result for your good. It is absolutely relative and relies on individual interpretation. Remember though, that you can easily deceive yourself, so keep testing and experiencing to determine what matters.

This idea of leasing part of your sphere to external forces imagined or real is what I would wish to talk about. Nothing happens for a reason, yes I said it! Sure it happens for a season but not everything has a why to it. This is not the same when Simon Sinek talks about starting with why in his book. This is right before you begin a task. You will hear someone say, ‘I leave it to fate…’ and they mean well when they say these words. But are we sure they had exhausted all influence they had before they signed out to fate to take care of issues? I admit a lot is outside what we can manage. You cannot pick or decide on behalf of others, you do not have control over what happens next to you or to those near you and those far away maybe in a different continent or district. Therefore deal with what is right in your sphere of influence, make the most out of it, maximize, be thorough and intentional. Just deal with it.

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