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Ask The Hard Questions

By Ng’ong’a

A time comes when you have to deal with the grey areas you have accumulated through life, the things you have not yet decided on, they seem to be in limbo land. In other words you know you need to make a choice, you must pick or select what you want, you ought to do what is right but you are neglecting or ignoring it. It is a great lie to self when you know what you ought to do but keep making excuses to justify your current position. It is not much to ask your self to be straight with yourself. You know you can rise up to the task but decide to play neutral and wait to see what happens. There are consequences too when you disregard a straight up good path. You need to actually assume that good counsel exists for the good of the human race. If you begin asking the hard questions, you might find some answers you were looking for in the simple questions. It is all in your perception. This has got nothing to do with right and wrong. It is not what you do or not do that matters. It is who you are becoming. That is what counts.

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