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Pledged To Love

By Ng’ong’a

The beauty of life is in her unpredictability. Living on the edge is no fun at all. You wake up excited and scared immediately after you place your feet on your floor. These are uncertain times and nothing is guaranteed. We have seen systems fail not because of design hitches but human greed. The concept that the market is capable to handle all our demands and supplies is not common to everyone. Greed is fueled partly by the misconception that the glass is half empty. But an abundance mindset can heal us from the burden of constantly desiring to fix life to fit our narratives.

“The meaning of life is to meet each moment with as much love as you can muster.” – Anita Anand

I absolutely agree we should dream big and have a way to materialize our desires. I am not suggesting you stop aspiring for greatness. But I have come to understand that life boils down to knowing yourself. Your foremost task is to know yourself. If we turned the axis of existence to know about ourselves before we pursue things and stuff, we might never feel the need to study macroeconomics. We would leave the subject to the households like it was when it started. Right now, the economic systems are designed by default to fail humanity. It is a cycle intended to suck the joy of living out of your bones and make you hate existence.

But I choose to pick what I can carry and still keep moving forward. I do not like burdening my back. I will focus on what I can influence and what I can do. The only way to approach life is with open arms and lots of love in your heart. Love where you are at in your journey no matter how amazing or ugly it looks. Looks remember can be deceiving. Right now I do not want to edit anything in my script, I would rather add paragraphs and chapters to my life story. I will not pick the laughter and leave the tears out. Let it flow and whatever comes, I embrace because I am pledged to love. This too shall pass, remember!

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