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No Need For Blame

By Ng’ong’a

Let’s say you wanted to pass the blame to someone for something that is not going as you want, just scapegoating to be exact. You would tend to blame yourself first. Let’s give them names like you and I.

But you have been with you through it all and the only thing you have ever done is to suggest better ways to approach life. You have given alternatives and provided options which maybe if I followed would have gotten you some place desirable. You noticed how you have shifted the blame to me.

I on the other hand have been faithful to your journey. I have never stopped supporting you when it was inconvenient. When yourself was battling self-doubt, it was I who kept your focus on the brighter side of life. When yourself was celebrating your triumphs, remember it was I who sobered you up and prepared you for the task ahead. I have been providing checks and balances to ensure you endure every season of life. I have been a friend because I stood by you during your struggles and also I rejoiced together with you when you overcame. If there is someone present with you in every situation it was I.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure… Timo – Coach Carter

Do you know how self-doubt creeps in when you see no way ahead and you begin judging your past choices? Yes, then you give in and all kinds of negative energies flood your soul and you begin that downward spiral to ‘give up’ land. In your mind, you are convinced that you must have done something wrong or made a mistake to be where you are now. You want to take the entire blame and put it on yourself when it does not work out as you expected. But the workings of life and the dynamics involved are not only playing out at the plane of what we can see and observe with our eye. A lot more goes on behind the curtains, at the backstage where your understanding diminishes like dew in the face of the morning sun. Have you ever gotten to a point where you felt you knew nothing at all about life? It makes you feel vulnerable and naked. But it might be the best place to keep staying because when you stare at your emptiness with love, you will see your abundance. When you gaze at your dark matter and embrace it, that is where you find your light. Fight or flight will not be a strategy here. You can be sure that something amazing will come out of all your murky situations. You do not need blame to ignite your flame. All that blame only makes you lame. Peace.

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