Category: Writing

  • Ugly At First

    Ugly At First

    By Ng’ong’a I have been around long enough to recognize a particular pattern with life. Beginnings are crazy and ugly at first. When you begin a new journey the first step is awkward. You are just starting that business, changing a habit, moving to a new place, studying, starting a relation or seeking spirituality and…

  • Not Same as Neglect

    Not Same as Neglect

    By Ng’ong’a A moment comes, some days of course, when you will be okay with not being okay, with not doing, acting, achieving or accomplishing anything beyond the basics that must be done to sustain living. It is a winter and you are hibernating for self preservation. You are aware of what is expected of…

  • No Need For Blame

    No Need For Blame

    By Ng’ong’a Let’s say you wanted to pass the blame to someone for something that is not going as you want, just scapegoating to be exact. You would tend to blame yourself first. Let’s give them names like you and I. But you have been with you through it all and the only thing you…

  • Pledged To Love

    Pledged To Love

    By Ng’ong’a The beauty of life is in her unpredictability. Living on the edge is no fun at all. You wake up excited and scared immediately after you place your feet on your floor. These are uncertain times and nothing is guaranteed. We have seen systems fail not because of design hitches but human greed.…

  • Ask The Hard Questions

    Ask The Hard Questions

    By Ng’ong’a A time comes when you have to deal with the grey areas you have accumulated through life, the things you have not yet decided on, they seem to be in limbo land. In other words you know you need to make a choice, you must pick or select what you want, you ought…

  • Not The Time To Despair

    Not The Time To Despair

    By Ng’ong’a It might seem like the support system you had put in place is breaking down day by day but I bet you it is not the time to be brokenhearted. The things you relied on to cushion you against life’s pain are stretched out to the point of breaking and you are leaking…

  • Point It Out

    Point It Out

    By Ng’ong’a I look forward to your feedback on this platform and in whichever form I appreciate the stays every week. A like, a view, or a comment, all serve the same function according to my rule book. Truth be told, I never write a blog and post here and then wonder what kind of…

  • Do Not Ask Yourself If You Are Happy

    Do Not Ask Yourself If You Are Happy

    By Ng’ong’a Have you ever woken up from a day slumber and wished you had continued sleeping? Do you know how you only find out you were sleeping after you wake up? I was seated on a couch at a friend’s house after a one-hour walk trying to add numbers on my ‘pedometer’ app. You…

  • Deal With It

    Deal With It

    By Ng’ong’a You have a sphere of influence where everything you can manage, I do not want to use the word control this early, exists. At least we all have a circumference and it does matter what you keep adding to your circle of influence. These are things, events, or scenarios you have the liberty…

  • Detach The Self

    Detach The Self

    By Ng’ong’a I used to do it often and I bet you too have experienced this, if you find time to watch a series or movie once in a while. I pick what I watch just like I do with what I read. Both can influence imagination and are powerful tools at our disposal. I…