Category: Writing

  • An Offer You Cannot Refuse

    An Offer You Cannot Refuse

    By Ng’ong’a Imagine for a moment with me, a scenario where you are offered a deal you cannot refuse and it has no strings attached. You trust what you see and the numbers are great. You know it is a good deal because it matches your current desires. You want it and you have no…

  • Next On The List

    Next On The List

    By Ng’ong’a From the moment she came to the waiting room to call out the next person to go into the interview room, I could see the tension in his eyes. He was shaking a bit which I consider normal for everyone when you are about to face the unknown. Interview panels have been for…

  • Know When To Turn It Off

    Know When To Turn It Off

    By Ng’ong’a You have been working hard all your life. You cannot remember the last time you took a day off. I understand you grew up in a less fortunate family. Your father died leaving your mother to take care of your family all by herself. She had no formal employment, so she had to…

  • Leave It To Wither

    Leave It To Wither

    By Ng’ong’a Something happened that made me think about pain in a different way. A friend was commemorating the just celebrated International Women’s day by sharing pictures of his late mother. He expressed himself openly in a few lines as caption to the photo. Then some contacts saw it and I heard someone ask me…

  • From Challenges You Get Change

    From Challenges You Get Change

    By Ng’ong’a I believe you are okay. All is well! Let us begin with the title of the course you can pick out the name change from a challenge. Give it a try. We all want change casually but hesitate when change wants us to commit. The concept of change will be the most consistent…

  • Heart is man

    Heart is man

    By Ng’ong’a Music and the Soul have a fling, and they have been on each other’s lap for a while drawing the attention of the Brain which is unable to stop humming a tune at the displeasure of the Heart and does not get why the Brain is swaying hips and left to right in…

  • I Can Wait

    I Can Wait

    By Ng’ong’a You might try some out of the book methods to frustrate me but be sure my patience can stretch over an ocean, I will wait! This might not come out right but I know it is not a How-to-Deal-With-Resistance guide. I am not teaching you anything you already do not know not something…

  • In The Interest of Living

    In The Interest of Living

    By Ng’ong’a I have opted out of the bandwagon that was headed towards always playing the victim. That route continually made me feel inferior because of the stories I kept telling myself. What I tell others about me is completely different from what I tell myself. I choose to live this life like I am…

  • Clawing Out

    Clawing Out

    By Ng’ong’a The only thing sane to do is to shake the dirt off my shoulder and keep stepping on it. Meanwhile the dirt keeps piling on me. You would think life has conspired with fate to have me buried alive. But I I’m going to shake it off Taylor Swift way until I rise…

  • Well, I Said It!

    Well, I Said It!

    By Ng’ong’a What I have noticed, and this is informed by years of trial and failure but eventually getting it, is that people will be courteous but do not take that to mean compassion. Just like empathy is superior to sympathy and the ultimate expression of empathy is being compassionate, it takes time before you…