Category: Writing

  • Love back

    Love back

    It’s not selfish of you when you look after your own interest in a relationship. I usually review my relationships with colleagues, family (the extended folks) and friends once in a while to check if we are moving in the same direction, if we are reading from the same page. The energy, time and emotions…

  • It’s all raw

    It’s all raw

    In this age of information, we tend to have a problem with information overload. You might be tempted to want to know everything at the same time but no matter how connected you are you can’t keep up neither catch up! So, I decided I won’t play any games either! Hi, I’m Ng’ong’a and welcome…

  • France is

    France is

    France is the newest FIFA World Cup 2018 winner! That’s it. The best team among the best in the entire world. They surely deserved the title. Congratulations to the entire team, technical staff and the French football federation. It’s Ng’ong’a and welcome to my blog! I watched the finals from my work place! I had…

  • Semis lessons

    Semis lessons

    I haven’t been participating in the FIFA World Cup 2018 games happening in Russia, I don’t like football but I am a fan of the players. I don’t want to list them here. I didn’t sit down to watch any of the games before the semi final games. But when the stage was set to…

  • Garbage out

    Garbage out

    I am writing my blog, I just woke up, grabbed my phone and had to share this thought with you, from my bed. It’s 0540HRS. I know this is it. This is what I am cut for. This is my ball and it is on my side of the court. I am playing to get…

  • Methinks wealth

    Methinks wealth

    Come to think of it, man has never made anything with resources sourced outside the earth. We got every raw material from the earth, in the ground, literally we had to dig it up! All wealth starts from the soil, the dirt or call it land. Hi, it’s Ng’ong’a again here with you in this…

  • Methinks change

    Methinks change

    Part of my belief in people is based on the simple truth that I accepted in the first place, the truth that I can’t change people! Who am I to change you? Alright, I am Ng’ong’a and welcome to my blog. I love people and want to work with people because I believe that people…

  • Methinks phonebook

    Methinks phonebook

    Hey, it’s Ng’ong’a here one more time. I bet you are doing great. Whatever you do or be don’t stop loving yourself. I know you have a phone. You have contacts saved in your phone book. They can be family, friends, colleagues or even people of interest to you. If you take a look at…

  • Hook it

    Hook it

    My hero Gary Vaynerchuk always says ideas are shit! It’s a bit crude but that’s the truth! Hi, I am Ng’ong’a and welcome to my blog. I had an idea but I thought not to let it simmer in my mind. I decided to write it here, maybe we all can learn from it. I…

  • Your contribution please?

    Your contribution please?

    It’s a question everyone asks at a certain point in life. I have heard people ask this question and the answer is always the same. Asking right questions trigger a search for the right answers which ultimately change lives. So what’s the big question? How do you know your purpose? It’s Ng’ong’a here again and…