Category: Writing

  • Stay Longer

    Stay Longer

    By Ng’ong’a This will be a quick one today. How are you doing? Are you okay? We all respond to what is happening around us differently. It might be the same cause but I bet you we all will not give the same feedback. It is like looking at a drawing but seeing different images.…

  • Weight and Warmth

    Weight and Warmth

    By Ng’ong’a The Alchemist (page 13) , ‘We have to be prepared for change, he thought, and he was grateful for the jacket’ s weight and warmth.’ I am sure we all can relate to this scenario. Every change you seek begets a challenge for you. You accept change with its accompanying challenges. If you…

  • A Patch to Hatch

    A Patch to Hatch

    By Ng’ong’a Patch here defined as, A small area, a small plot of land or piece of ground. It feels weird but I know it is the right thing to do. It is the only thing that will make progress possible as we near getting out of the woods. Let me talk about what is…

  • Right at the Kernel

    Right at the Kernel

    By Ng’ong’a You have an opportunity to be great and you are hitting the right cords but at the same time, you are going through a hectic time, struggling with a lot all at once. You know it is your best time in life yet it looks like your worst experience ever too. On one…

  • Here is Why Charity Comes With a Condition

    Here is Why Charity Comes With a Condition

    By Ng’ong’a Lately, I have been exploring programming languages starting with python 🐍 (that is the emoji suggested). I found ‘if statements’ interesting in light of the title of this post. In a certain situation if this occurs then the result is that. The relationship between two or more variables is dependent on a set…

  • Mirror on my wall

    Mirror on my wall

    By Ng’ong’a Mirror, mirror on the wall… Let me tell you a story. I look out for dignity in life. It is a value we all ought to seek from life, the sense of worthiness. Your life is worthy and not by way of what you have or do not have, it is not about…

  • It is a long stretch

    It is a long stretch

    Success is about endurance, patience, strength, determination, being vulnerable and these things cannot be achieved in a day. You need a foundation, a base upon which to build up your life and I know from personal experience, when I tell you it takes time to be successful in an endeavor. It does not matter what…

  • Reasoning with

    Reasoning with

    By Ng’ong’a We tend to view ourselves slightly more better than others, we hold ourselves more highly than it is expected especially when comparing ourselves to the people we interact with on a daily basis. The same is true when it comes to morality, where specks seem bigger than logs. A good scenario to observe…

  • Breaks Between

    Breaks Between

    By Ng’ong’a Life is long and life is short too. Your approach to life determines which end of this yardstick you will hold in your hand. No matter how you view life or from whichever window you peer in to this reality, you need more breaks in between scenes than never before. We live in…

  • Do not Try

    Do not Try

    By Ng’ong’a I am trying to make this blog more about you than it is about me because I know we are not different and interestingly we might be pursuing the same things out of life. We are on this wagon together and it is better we make the travel fun. We do this more…