Category: Writing

  • Finish well

    I have had a busy work week and as you all are aware, repetition is boring. I have been doing the same thing over and over again multiple of times. It’s easy to just do things haphazardly if you keep doing it everyday. I find routine boring for real. But because it’s my job, I…

  • Talk is therapy!

    Talk is therapy!

    We can talk about anything here. My idea of free speech isn’t skewed. I realized talking is therapy. I knew it was but I had never been in a situation that made talking so healing. I have had a rough two months from May. I usually consider the month of May my winter season. It’s…

  • Your Word

    Your Word

    I am going to start with a question and let’s be candid here…… What do you say to yourself? When you are alone, I don’t know if you have an alone time with yourself. If you do that’s great. If not, then you do have it but you do it passively. It’s time you be…

  • ALL THE TALE|wairimo

    ALL THE TALE|wairimo

    Back in grade six, by the way it was class six. In a way this distinguished pupils from public schools to those in private schools. But it’s funny that the pupils aren’t public or private, the system is skewed I tell you. So, when I joined class six, if you recall from my previous posts…



    Are you happy with your life as it is right now? That’s the opening question I need you to find your own answer to first before I argue for the above subject. This is not in any way a response to any other article written here or anyway else that suggests a different ‘kind of…

  • Decision


    How do you decide between two or more thoughts which one is best for you? The human brain does the entire body the favor of being like an operator at a dashboard, receiving, interpreting and giving back feedback to responses in a manner not even a super computer is closest to. I think of my…

  • Normal


    BE BOLD:I remember in the 90s there was this famous American soap on TV, that was a household name. It was known by almost everyone I knew. I was about eleven years old. The show was called ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ and I might consider it the last soap I ever liked. It was…

  • June second

    Hi awesome! How is the going so far? I bet you are doing great as always. I am grateful you are here. I thought I would give you a glimpse on what I have planned for June. I talked of my one word for this month and from yesterday’s blog titled ‘June first‘ I told…

  • June first

    Hello, I want to remind you of something. It is important and please hear me out. You are awesome just the way you are. Yes, you are special and no one should make you feel less a human. Know your worth! It’s a new month allegedly, called June. I am not sure if it is…

  • Seated……

    At the edge of my bed, that’s where it all starts for me every 5am. I wake up, sit up then lower my legs to the side of the bed, to start a new day. I have my affirmation and it revolves around abundance. This is to just reset my mind to be in tune…