Category: Writing


    The only company of men I can pay money to go and be with again is this lot. Back then we were boys, right now we are men. Nothing has changed much. I am forever grateful to the Ambira High School for being the nexus for this gang. I knew them all with their strengths…

  • ALL THE TALE|struggles

    My younger brother was sent home by his teacher. He was in grade three in a public school in Kisii town, an ever green environment with water springing from its hills non stop. There is a water point where we used to fetch water from back in the late 90s and the last time I…



    This is dedicated to all of us beautiful people who are silently and in the background working on our crafts diligently without making a fuss about it. We shall gain traction soon. Asé Now, talking is easy and guess what everybody can talk. People talk and I am not into gossip here. I am taking…

  • A quick note…

    A quick note…

    A break from ordinary. I don’t like being predictable. I also don’t fancy routine. I have a quick note to make. It’s about fear. I realize fear is real, we feel it, how your body freezes and goosebumps all over. We have different ways of expressing fear. How we respond or react isn’t pre-determined. It…

  • ALL THE TALE|self love

    ALL THE TALE|self love

    Let’s talk about the past……yes all the ugly, bad and great! But not today! Today I am just going to highlight an issue regarding our past. We all have a story and like every story you are the hero of your story. You are the hero that comes back from a long journey in search…

  • ALL THE TALE|fade

    ALL THE TALE|fade

    We all have the same 24 hours. No one gets more or less. It’s the equilibrium of life. I take time to be the greatest denominator. It doesn’t matter how bad a life you had yesterday, because if you have today, it’s enough for you to change your life. Every day is a new slate…

  • ALL THE TALE|mask

    ALL THE TALE|mask

    I want to write this like we are talking to each other face to face. The first pretext is when you greet me using the usual salutation, “How are you?” I consider this the first instance of disguise. It’s common to reply ‘I am fine!’ even when you are not. The words you put after…

  • ALL THE TALE|travel

    ALL THE TALE|travel

    I enjoy travelling. It’s an activity that I consider my therapy especially when I feel clogged in my mind by routine. I have a felling that not everyone enjoys travelling. But I find pleasure in going to new places and also visiting former places just to check on the things I saw and the people…

  • ALL THE TALE|mind

    ALL THE TALE|mind

    I remember my fascination with the human brain begun when I was in high school. I was in the library and instead of reading academic textbooks I found myself drawn to reading world books and encyclopedias. I begun enjoying my reading list and of course my studies took a slow pace and the next terms’…

  • ALL THE TALE|wait

    ALL THE TALE|wait

    It never passes me that I am just as weak and vulnerable as any other person is. Yes, I sometimes consider my resilience like out of this world but I don’t stretch it. I am stubborn and I don’t give up easily. But I don’t stand on top of a mountain and roar down at…