Category: Writing

  • Holding none

    Holding none

    By Ng’ong’a I know my life will never be the same again and I cannot hold it against them for what happened. It is not an excuse neither a way for me to avoid dealing with the issues at hand. I realized that not every issue needs closure. Some past issues do not even require…

  • Ready fields

    Ready fields

    By Ng’ong’a It is that time again when we collectively agree that an year 2022 is coming to an end and another year 2023 is beginning. I will go with that, it feels good and so why not indulge myself. I have a list I want to share with you about the things that I…

  • Making friends

    Making friends

    By Ng’ong’a | Rusinga Island The number of things outside your direct influence are enormous and the illusion of control will not save you at all from feeling abused by life sometimes. When life’s roller-coaster makes you sick in your stomach and the ups and downs has you worked up senseless, you get to that…

  • Reload, Rewind, Restore

    Reload, Rewind, Restore

    By Ng’ong’a | Rusinga Island You are sure you are on the right path. You take care of your life and are mindful too. You might have challenges just like it happens to every human being but you overcome every obstacle confidently because you believe in your self. But life will throw you a curved…

  • Wobbly but moving

    Wobbly but moving

    By Ng’ong’a | Rusinga Island You have been through a lot compared to last year. This year seemed to have been a battleground, this is evident from the numerous bruises on your body. Your scars are a manifest to the victories you enjoyed during battle and the defeats you suffered trying hard to keep going.…

  • It shows

    It shows

    I can feel how you feel. The downside to always being aware of the energies around you is that you get to feel all these emotions affect you and in a way impact your own energy. At the end of the day if you are not careful, you are left drained and empty. You clearly…

  • See no way

    See no way

    Always believe a way out exists. Not every obstacle on your way is meant to stop you. Some are a sign to even greater exploits. I know you are not sure about what I just said but believe you me, no condition is permanent. I am not in any way downplaying your challenge or the…

  • The Joy in Beginning.

    The Joy in Beginning.

    Growing this platform through WordPress courses. You are awesome! You can start over anytime you want. This is the latest news I bring you champ! You can start that craft you have always been itching to master, right now, not tomorrow, with what you have. It is said that the things that keep us awake…

  • Why do I think fairness is achievable?

    Why do I think fairness is achievable?

    We are all weak, it is how much of it we show the world that differs!

  • To kindness

    To kindness

    Storms are inevitable. Like a good laugh you cannot resist its effect. Some storms come to pave a new path. The only way to do that is to first make desolate what is visible, to lay waste to what was dependable, to force a shift to something never witnessed before. Such a shift will demand…