Category: Writing

  • Face Off

    Face Off

    Ochieng’ Ng’ong’a You will find this fascinating or an old trick in your book depending on how much gas you have to tag along with me since it is a long haul. The unknown is our foremost source of fear and terror. Just because you do not know can turn you into a stressed, wasted,…

  • Not Staying For Long

    Not Staying For Long

    By Ng’ong’a It is important to address the pressing matters in your life, especially the issues you have direct influence over. These are your determining factors. A good example would be focus, attention, will, choice, or attitude. It is highly prudent to take care of what needs to be done today instead of putting it…

  • Making Values Personal

    Making Values Personal

    By Ng’ong’a We left off with a question on how does one identify personal values and here is the deal. You have to be hands-on to discover your personal values. You will not find it from reading about it or copying those you admire. Find a quite spot, sit down, get a pen and paper…

  • First Principle Application

    First Principle Application

    By Ng’ong’a We see trees with plumpy fruits, dark green leaves, strong branches, its mighty trunks, and appreciate nature’s awesomeness but we rarely appreciate the roots with their intricate network below the earth. The roots reach deeper and are widely sourced for minerals and water for the entire tree. Do not forget support and firmness…

  • Five Keys To Critical Thinking

    Five Keys To Critical Thinking

    By Ng’ong’a The first time I heard the term ‘critical thinking’ I thought it must be outside my reach. I thought it was something that happened to those other people but not me. Then I decided to learn more about it and before I could turn the next page, I got my aha! moment. The…

  • Not Without Dirt

    Not Without Dirt

    By Ng’ong’a You seek growth but it will not happen without the dirt part. You are a seed and to grow to a tree you have to be buried in dirt, covered by it, suffocate and die in it. Then rise again after some days to begin the enormous process of growing. You ought to…

  • Put Together

    Put Together

    By Ng’ong’a I have had the privilege to be part of a team running a fundraiser on behalf of a friend. I have learnt a lot from the experience especially on timing, attention, followup ,and patience. I would like to share a few tips with you on reminders when on the final stretch of fundraising.…

  • Sheepishly


    Ochieng’ Ng’ong’a Society have a phrase that goes ‘Do not be like a sheep’ and it is often said like a slunder yet sheep are amazing animals. Let me borrow a trait from sheep and use it in an analogy. You spend your lifetime in fear and worry, dreading a wolf because you have been…

  • Step Back

    Step Back

    By Ng’ong’a You took one step forward and that is great. A lot of people do not even try. They are still trapped in the murky waters of indecision. They keep piling information but have no time for taking action. So, congratulations! When on your way to your personal legend, once in a while take…

  • What Is Done Is Enough

    What Is Done Is Enough

    By Ng’ong’a You are enough. You need not be better when good is enough. We often engage in this act of weighing what’s left to be done versus what’s already accomplished and feeling the former is worth our focus than the latter. We end up with a feeling of inadequacy like we have achieved nothing…